Tired of looking old, wrinkled & weak?

HERE IS A Highly Sought After Anti-Aging Supplement Whose Ingredients was Discovered in 1831 By Ferdinand Wackenroder, a German Chemist.

This Anti-Aging Supplement Helps To:

WITHOUT UNDERGOING Facelift or surgery to look younger & without using whitening creams to look smooth.

Just By Taking Two Pills A Day

You will discover that you are Able to:

Just Like our Happy Customers who are Always Buying From us

This AntiAging Supplement contains 4 Active Ingredients that makes it very POTENT & EFFECTIVE.

Now! This “four Active Ingredients” plays the most important role of giving you a smooth, healthy & Ageless body by doing 5 critical things that…

Resets your biological clock & puts your body on a track to its youthful state.

These 5 Things Are:

The Beta-Carotene AntiAging Supplement Makes Your Skin Soft, Bright & Elastic By Increasing Your Skin Cell Turnover.

Our skin naturally sheds dead skin cells the same way the snake changes its skin and…

Every 28-40 days on average, a new skin cell is “born” and located in the deepest layer of your epidermis – which is the outermost layer of your skin.

But… As we grow older, our skin cells turnover rate reduces while that of babies and young children are faster because they are still growing. 

Adding the beta carotene anti-aging supplement to your daily diet serves as a catalyst to increase your Skin cell turnover so you always have new skin cells at the top of your skin.

And when that happens, Your skin becomes brighter, lighter, more elastic and you eventually look younger than your age.

The Beta-Carotene Antioxidant Clears Skin Wrinkles, Dark Spots, Acne & Sunburn impact By Increasing Your Skin Collagen Synthesis.

Collagen composes most of your body’s protein accounting for 30% of the body’s total protein.

Now, medical studies have shown that factors like cigarette smoke, alcohol, stress and Age slows down the production of collagen in your body.

It further reveals that by the age of 25, it is estimated that you lose collagen at a rate of 1% every year.

So if you are 40 years of Age, you have lost 15% of your Skin collagen.

with less collagen in the skin, it’s easier for visible wrinkles and sagging to show up on your face. 

You might notice this happening more in areas around frequently used muscles, like the forehead, or where you’re more exposed to the sun.

That’s why collagen synthesis helps to boost the production to replace the lost ones and clears out wrinkles, acne, pimples etc.

The Beta-Carotene AntiAging Supplement Protects the Skin from UV light exposures and skin burns

Reports show that getting plenty of antioxidant micronutrients and  a diet rich in phytochemicals such as beta-carotene  including beta carotene can:

When you supplement Beta carotenes in the diet, it protects skin from sunburn and solar redness, after a minimum intake of 10 weeks. 

Health Benefit of The Beta-Carotene AntiAging Supplement

What makes the betacarotene a complete & unique antiaging supplement is its health benefits.

Just taking 2 pills of this supplement daily provides protective, preventive & healing benefits for your whole body

here are some of its health benefits

Fights Against Age Related Eye Diseases & Improves Night Vision

Protects you From Respiratory Tract Infection (Lung Health)

Boost Immune Health By Reducing Oxidative Stress in the Body.

Improves Gut Health, Digestion & Prevents Intestinal Damage.

Protects Joints and Lowers Joint Pain(Arthritis)

Helps Improve Sleep Quality

Lifts Your Mood and Improves Cognitive Abilities

Guards Against Heart Disease And Lowers Blood Pressure.

Facilitates Hair Growth and Thickness.

Reduces your risk of certain cancers

Now how do you get all these benefits in one supplement if not the…

BETA-CAROTENE Anti-Aging Supplement


Normal Price N35,000

Todays Price N26,000


ONLY 300 Bottles set Aside For Those Reading this Letter Because of our Monthly Subscribers.


Testimonies From People who has Regained Their YouthFul Looks, Energy & Health Back with The Beta-carotene AntiAging Supplement. Now Its Your Turn


I noticed a reduction in joint pain and i work for long without having those piercing joint pain anymore


Works great for my skin! Almost feels like it produces a natural glow, as well. Also GREAT to take if you get a sunburn.


I have noticed improvement in eye comfort since taking beta carotene supplements, and NOW makes a good, more natural product.


my skin itself looks rejuvenated and is shining.


My scalp is less itchy, and my eyes feel way better and less dry. Also my rosacea on my cheeks is a lot calmer and the keratosis bumps on the back of my arms and top of my legs are gone!


This was my first time ever taking beta carotene supplements. Every summer I have always gotten burnt at least a few times while being in the sun, even with sunscreen. This year, I haven’t! I took this for a month before moving to AZ, and even in the burning sun I haven’t gotten burnt! I highly recommend it!


I have been taking this product for at least a month, And works great. My eyesight feels better and does not get tired at all. I spend time on my computer, which used to bother my sight, but with this product, that issue is gone. I can’t complain when a product accomplishes its goal.


I have eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and I read that vitamin A can help that. I even had eczema on my hands and in between my fingers. I have only taken it a few days and my eczema is 90% cleared up and not itchy at all, 


My hair feels thicker and grows well now.


Normal Price N35,000

Todays Price N26,000


ONLY 300 Bottles set Aside For Those Reading this Letter Because of our Monthly Subscribers.


Select Your Package And Place Your Order Below.


Normal PRICE = N101,000

SAVE = N16,000


Normal PRICE = N75,000

SAVE = N10,000


Normal PRICE = N61,500

SAVE = N11,500


Normal PRICE = N35,500

SAVE = N9,500

Special Exclusive Offer for you!

5in1 Face Serum





Make Sure You are available to receive your package after placing your order

Note: We will contact you immediately and start processing your order.


Please Fill The Form Below To Place Your Order

Only Serious Buyers Should Fill The Form Below

Product 1: Natural B-Carotene AntiAging Supplement *
Product 2: Add The 5in1 Face Treatment Serum (optional)

Reasons Why You Should Buy The Beta-carotene AntiAging Supplement

It is cost effective and a better/healthy Alternative to Surgery & whitening creams


The More You Use This PILL The better the result because The magic is in its continuous use.


it is certified by NAFDAC


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